The most sceptic person (me) is now the biggest marketer of this product. I can’t see any other method of development for high performing teams.

When the CIA needed to identify soldiers fit for espionage assignments and senior military posts during World War II, they built Station S, a comprehensive two-day simulation program. Cadets performed tasks, such as a mock enemy interrogation, while psychologists observed their stress tolerance and resilience. This secret weapon proved painstakingly accurate—people reveal their true colours when observed in challenging situations.
Pinsight is built on the same proven principles, but not under the stress of harsh interrogations. Our computer simulation is designed with the challenges of fictitious company candidates must negotiate. During the simulation, certified assessors add additional challenges as they observe performance and potential. Then, our proprietary algorithms determine who is ready to drive your strategy. Our virtual solution reveals more insights during a three-hour simulation than Station-S psychologists ever could!
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