The most sceptic person (me) is now the biggest marketer of this product. I can’t see any other method of development for high performing teams.
References to Books / Articles etc.
Assessment Centre Published Books
Published South-African Articles:
Müller, K.-P., & Roodt, G. (2013). Content validation: The forgotten step-child or a crucial
step in assessment centre validation? SA Journal of Industrial Psychology/SA Tydskrif vir
Bedryfsielkunde, 39(1), Art. #1153, 15 pages.
Title: Assessment Centres: Unlocking Potential for Growth (2008)
Editors: Schlebusch, S.& Roodt, G.
Publishers: Knowres
Recommended for:
A systematic approach to design an Assessment Centre
Title: Assessment Centres: Unlocking Potential for Growth – 2nd Edition (2019)
Editors: Schlebusch, S.& Roodt, G.
Publishers: Knowres
Recommended for:
A systematic approach to design an Assessment Centre
Title: Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies (2014)
Authors: Thornton, G.C. III, Rupp, D. & Hoffman, B.J.
Publishers: Psychology Press
Recommended for: Strategically positioning the Assessment Centre within your organisation
Title: Developing Organizational Simulations: A Guide for Practitioners and Students (2004)
Authors: Thornton, G.C. III, & Hanson, R.
Publishers:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
ISBN: 978-0805844122
Recommended for: Designing Assessment Centre simulations
Title: The Psychology of Assessment Centers(2012)
Authors: Jackson, D.J.R., Lance C.E., & Hoffman, B.J.
Publishers: Routledge
ISBN: 978-0-415-87814-2
Recommended for: Understanding the differences between Competency-Based Assessment Centres, Task-Based Assessment Centres, and the Mixed-Model Assessment Centres
Title: Assessment Centers in Human Resource Management: Strategies for Prediction, Diagnosis and Development (2009)
Authors: Thornton, G.C. III, & Rupp, D.
Publishers: Psychology Press
ISBN: 0-8058-5125-9
Recommended for: Strategically positioning the Assessment Centre within Human Resources (the older edition of Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies)
Title: Assessment Centers and Global Talent Management(2011)
Editors: Povah,N. & Thornton, G.C. III.
Recommended for: Learning about the different applications of Assessment Centres world-wide
Ethical challenges in assessment centres in South Africa
Published: SA Journal of Industrial Psychology / SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 43(0), a1324
Muleya, Fourie & Schlebusch, 2017 SA Journal of Industrial Psychology
ISSN: (Online) 2071-0763
(Print) 0258-5200